Overall, this is everything I needed for a small kitchen. Wheels are perfect, size is perfect, shelves are sturdy and it’s very well made. My disappoint lies in the top. There were two “knot hole” like black spots on both the left and right of the top and an ill advised attempt was made to cover these by spraying a different colored paint on each. This is quite noticeable and I considered sending it back. However, we expected quests so I covered it up with a wooden tray. I took pictures but could not upload. If the flaws had been left alone, it would have been fine.
Easy to use,looks fantastic,gives extra working space and storage. Simple to fold for storage when not needed. Wish it was available in a little larger size as well is the only way to make it better.
Origami Foldout 3-Shelf Kitchen Serving Island Cart With Wheels
I purchase two origami carts. One for me and one for my daughter .and I was very please with the weight capacity. It serves it purpose. It looks very nice in the kitchen. And I have all kind of appliances sitting on it. And it still having buckled lol 😊that's my origami cart. And it's easy to move.. it was easy to assemble. I didn't need no manpower LOL . 😊This is my review.
We are thrilled with our new cart. Assembly was simple - screw the wheels on and you're done. The cart is beautiful quality, sturdy, and will give us many years of use. It'll provide needed extra workspace in our kitchen and be nicely out of the way when not in use. Also of note - this company is a dream to deal with - actual PEOPLE who are accessible and stand behind their product. You don't find that every day! Five stars for product AND service.
Made Easy.
Built To Last.
Built To Last.
Easy Set Up Latch
1. Hook It Over
2. Press Latch Down
3. Locked
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