Find The Perfect R-Series Rack This Holiday Season!

Whether it’s a present for someone special or you’re looking to treat yourself, Origami brings the gift of organization to anyone looking to tidy up now and into the new year!

Our R-Series racks make amazing additions to any home by offering you an easy way to organize all of your goods while looking sleek and stylish at the same time. Take a look at them to find the best storage solution to keep you clutter-free all year round!

Origami R1

The Origami R1 rack is the epitome of simplicity and functionality, yet it comes with the unique feature of being stackable, with each shelf capable of holding up to 150 pounds per tier.

The slim design of this rack makes it excellent for practically anywhere in your home, especially garages, kitchens, and even bathrooms and closets!

Origami R2

Another versatile storage rack that offers a sense of customization is the Origami R2 rack and its adjustable shelves.

With these, this rack enables you to customize the storage space according to your specific requirements and can help you get the most out of each shelf without wasting space!

Origami R3

The Origami R3 rack is a convenient and compact storage option that doesn't compromise on strength and durability. 

With three shelves, this rack offers ample storage space while occupying minimal floor area. It is perfect for many places, including smaller rooms and closets, or even as a temporary display unit for events or trade shows.

Origami R4

Cool, classy, and sturdy are all things that describe the Origami R4, which is a 4-shelf rack that is designed to bring orderliness and sophistication to any room that it’s in.

If you’re a DIY enthusiast, artist, or hobbyist of any kind, the R4 will give you plenty of space to keep all of your essentials nearby while also being lightweight, portable, and super easy to move around as needed.

Origami R5

When it comes to capacity and durability, the Origami R5 rack takes center stage, as this one boasts the ability to support up to 1,000 pounds, making it our heaviest-duty rack for storing even the most substantial items.

Not only is the R5 a powerhouse that’s perfect for organizing various items around the home, it’s also popular for commercial settings because it can carry an incredible amount of items while also being highly mobile at the same time.

Start The New Year Right With Origami Rack!

Our R-series storage racks have revolutionized the way we approach storage solutions due to their durable construction and foldable design, which brings practicality, versatility, and efficiency all at the same time

Whether you need heavy-duty storage, adjustable shelving, compact solutions, or portability, Origami has a rack to suit your needs. Check out our catalog here to learn more about them and see other fantastic Origami products that may find their way into your home.

With Origami, you can transform any space into an organized and clutter-free environment, maximizing your storage capabilities like never before!

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