How To Have Your Home Office Instill Productivity 

Working from home has grown to be a viable and popular way to earn a living, and whether you’ve been doing this for a while or you’re recently transitioning to this new environment, you may be wondering how you can feel more comfortable and productive in your home office.

This article will share some simple ways you can optimize your productivity while working from your home office and find more enjoyment and satisfaction while doing so.

Organize Your Workstation

The centerpiece of every office is your trusty desk, and if you want to feel your best while working, you should strive to keep your workspace as clear as possible!

For many people, it takes some diligence to keep their desks organized the way they want to, especially when working from home, because sometimes it’s difficult to separate one’s workplace from their home life, and consequently, their workspace can get cluttered with stuff that’s unrelated to work.

Designating your desk as a place for productivity by keeping it organized will keep your mind sharp and focused and will make it easy to find what you need at any time. It also helps to have a large enough desk to keep everything spaced apart, giving you room to breathe.

If you’re in need of a desk that you can count on, be sure to check out our spacious yet compact desks! Origami’s 2-shelf desks are foldable and completely assembled and will make it easy to get your office set up anywhere in your home.

Origami Foldout Desks

Focus On Posture & Ergonomics

Posture isn’t something that everyone thinks about at all times, but in order to perform well each day, it’s a good idea to be conscientious about it.

Being mindful of your posture not only offers physical health benefits, such as preventing back and neck pain and fatigue, but it also has mental benefits too.

For example, it’s common to feel very laid-back at your desk; after all, it’s your home; however, if you find yourself slumped and slouching from time to time, forcing yourself to sit up straight instead will make you more alert and improve your concentration. 

To better assist with this, invest in a comfortable and durable chair that will allow you to sit more upright for hours at a time and look into ergonomically friendly computer peripherals, such as our height adjustable laptop mini-desks. Although they seem small, these things do add up, and they will make a difference in how you feel.

Height-Adjustable Laptop Desk

Keep Clutter At Bay

Returning to the topic of organization, while your desk is an essential part of the home office, it doesn’t consist of it entirely. 

While there’s a likelihood a lot of your important work-related stuff is digital, it’s not always the case for everyone. For example, you might have documents, inventory, boxes, packing supplies, and other things taking up valuable space in addition to your personal belongings that are completely unrelated to your occupation.

Over time, such things can accumulate, and it’s even easier when your work and home life are merged. If your space gets too cluttered, this can become a distraction and, in some individuals, can increase stress levels.

Shelving can be a great way to keep many items off your desk or various parts of your room and make it easy to retrieve what you’re looking for at any moment's notice while helping your office stay clean and organized. Depending on your needs, we recommend looking into our foldable R3 and R5 storage racks, which are perfect for home offices and other areas of it too!

Origami R3 Storage Rack

Create An Inspiring Atmosphere

The benefit of having a home office is that it’s truly your own space, which you can take advantage of.

There are now many ways you can personalize your workspace and make it a place that you can enjoy being in; for example, you can display your favorite artwork, customize the interior design, choose your lighting and even add a bit of nature to it.

Studies show that having plants nearby or at least having a view of nature from the workplace can improve your productivity by improving concentration, memory, and calmness, which will positively impact your well-being.

Many people also paint their home offices various shades of green for this reason as well, and it’s well-rooted into color psychology. Blue can also produce similar effects too, or why not combine them both? This office is yours, and you have the freedom to make it your own.

R3 Series Storage Racks

Start Becoming More Productive Today!

No matter if you’ve been taking care of business at home for a while or if it’s a new venture for you, there are always ways you can feel more motivated each day, and hopefully, some of this advice will be helpful for you. 

By changing your work environment, which can be done simply by cleaning and organizing, you’ll be surprised at how it can positively affect you.

If you need solutions, Origami offers many products that can help you start shaping your office and other parts of your home, which you can find by checking out our catalog. Take the first step to becoming a more motivated and productive version of yourself - solutions are just a click away!

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